W7ed9 TIL of the town Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha!, Québec. The the only town in the world with two exclamation points in its name.
9wKJ6 TIL that goalkeeper Andy Goram, Glasgow Rangers' greatest-ever goalkeeper, was greeted with the chant of "Two Andy Gorams, there's only two Andy Gorams" by his own fans after it was reported in the press that he had a mild form of schizophrenia
nW86r TIL about the “Tetris Effect” where after playing a video game for significant amount of time, a person can experience altered thoughts, dreams and experiences in their real life.
4koMN TIL that in Finnish myth, the World tree in Norse mythology is considered to be an English oak tree that, after it was felled, released its magic to create the universe.
x6ABk TIL of the town Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha, Québec. The the only town in the world with two exclamation points in its name.
5VoMQ TIL ex-British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, helped invent soft scoop ice cream.
M74JV TIL OJ Simpson was considered for the role of the Terminator, but James Cameron did not feel he would be believable as a killer
j6X9M TIL that the slang term dude originates from the 18th century.
0dmMN TIL when Pope Francis announced his visit to Belgium in 2023, residents of Father Damien's birth town were upset they weren't included in his visit because 30 years prior, Pope John-Paul II promised to visit them but cancelled last minute after he broke his femur by slipping in the papal bathtub.
grwxW TIL that the chair the first two Harry Potter Books were written on by its author, sold at an auction for nearly $400,000 USD in 2016. It also has the phrase "O, you may not find me pretty but don't judge on what you see" written on it.
LQxbQ TIL tha sewage water gets treated and "cleaned" and get re-used in agriculture and sometimes in some areas of the world, it becomes drinkable...🤢
QNRdE TIL that in 1963, a cat named Felicette became the first and only cat to survive spaceflight.