EgK07 TIL Men and women have the same number of ribs. Both typically have 24 ribs, arranged in 12 pairs. Despite the common misconception stemming from the biblical story of Adam and Eve, there is no anatomical difference in the number of ribs between the sexes.
Y78Jd TIL that the Principality of Hutt River, a micronation in Australia founded in 1970, operated with its own currency and passports for 50 years before dissolving in 2020 due to financial issues and tax disputes.
BgK7e TIL the only animal considered to display true tripedalism (moving using 3 limbs) is the parrot. Specifically, their head is considered their third limb while climbing
rNBlM TIL of Arthur Heineman who built the first motel, the Motel Inn. Despite having no proper architectural training, Heineman also built multiple other buildings, that have made it onto the National Register of Historical Places.
NXnb6 TIL about Gaius Appuleius Diocles, a Roman charioteer. He is considered the highest-paid athlete of all time. It has been calculated that Diocles earned 35,863,120 sesterces during his career, comparable to today's 15 billion USD
l7eOa TIL Sigmund Freud's personal library in London has over 1600 books showing his wide range of interests and are still searchable today through the Freud Museum. Authors Freud had include Darwin, Locke, Feuerbach, Krafft-Ebing, Shakespeare, Goethe and Dostoevsky
8eK7b TIL that according to The World Health Organisation’s standards, Australian homes are on average colder than homes in Finland, Greenland, and the United Kingdom during the winter season
P1WAZ TIL about KLM airline deciding the best way to handle a consignment of ground squirrels with incorrect import paperwork was to throw them alive into a shredder they had ready for just such an eventuality
epW4g TIL of Saint Fiacre, the Patron Saint of Proctology and Hemorrhoid Sufferers
VBVJG TIL Bill Walton and his brother Bruce are the only brothers to play in the Super Bowl and NBA Finals
X0PJX TIL The blue whale penis is the largest in the animal kingdom. It is commonly cited as having an average penis length of 8 ft 2 in 9.8 ft and a diameter of 12 in to 14 in. However, its girth has also been reported to be nearer 18 in, with a single ejaculation estimated to be about 35 US pints.
OG9DL TIL about the viscacha, they are two genuses of rodents in the chinchilla family that has convergently evolved to resemble rabbits.