For most of America’s existence she’s been protected by two enormous oceans, “The Pond” (Atlantic) and “The Pacific.” These two huge bodies of water have kept invaders and spies at bay, or at least provided the necessary time to prepare a resistance. And any aggressor has to consider our Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms. Case in point: When Japanese Admiral Yamamoto was asked if he had plans to invade America’s West Coast after bombing Pearl Harbor, he replied, “I have no plans to invade America. There would be a gun behind every blade of grass.”

Once drawn in World War II and after the industrial might of America kicked into high gear, the U.S. Army Air Corps and the aircraft of our allies devastated the cities and countries of Europe, North Africa, Japan, and many more. Our ally, Great Britain, also experienced daily bombings and missile attack, and France’s infrastructure was ravaged as well. Yet, except for merchant shipping sunk off the American East Coast by Nazi U-boats and a few vessels sunk off the West Coast by Japanese submarines, our homeland survived virtually unscathed.

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Pete Mecca is a Vietnam veteran. For story consideration, visit his website at and click on “contact us.”

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