Bull Sharks Invade Australian Golf Course Lake

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A close up of a Bull shark swimming in dark water.

Julian Gunther / Flickr

I thought it was only in cartoons that a place would have a shark-infested lake in a random place like a golf course, but apparently it is reality in Australia. After a flood several years ago, a handful of bull sharks found themselves stranded in a lake on a golf course. Bull sharks are able to survive in fresh water and rather than this lake posing an issue for survival, the six sharks have thrived -- and even started breeding. Bull sharks are able to survive in brackish and fresh water, and have been known to swim far up rivers and hang out for months and even years at a time. However, living in lakes is something quite rare.

SkyNews reports that the sharks became stranded when water receded after a flood, but that they seem perfectly happy in their new home. In fact, it seems that they could become ambassadors for sharks, getting some to realize how amazing these animals are despite having gained the unfortunate nickname of "man-eater." The more positive press sharks can get, the better, as they are in a dire situation in the wild.

"You can't believe how close you are...just six feet away," club general manager Scott Wagstaff told SkyNews. "There's no drama, it's become a positive thing for the golf course. They are amazing. I've become a shark lover since working here."

That's a wonderful thing to hear considering the pressure being put on sharks by humans. Somewhere around 80 million or more sharks are caught every year, mostly for their fins. Populations of sharks have dropped by over 90% in many places, and many species are on the brink of extinction. If a lake full of sharks can convince people that they're worth saving, then that is one lucky flood that brought the sharks into the lake in the first place.

"Golfers often pause during games for a few minutes to see if they can spot the sharks before they head off to the next tee. The sharks, which are between 8 and 10ft long, have proved quite a hit at corporate events and their fins have even been spotted during wedding ceremonies held on the course," reports SkyNews. Here is a video segment on the sharks: