Cardiologists 'Shocked' That William Hamman Passed Himself Off as Doctor

Doctors 'shocked' by pilot's deception.

ByABC News
December 14, 2010, 8:58 PM

Dec. 15, 2010— -- Doctors who came into contact with William Hamman, the pilot who passed himself off as a cardiologist, had no idea he wasn't who he said he was. They thought he was an accomplished cardiologist who also flew.

"He was quite good at what he did (which was never patient care)," Dr. Cindy Grines, an interventional cardiologist at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Mich., wrote in an e-mail. She worked with him at the hospital and was impressed by knowledge.

"He focused on his experience as a pilot, and used these skills to develop computer simulations, to implement team strategies to expedite patient care and to develop check lists to assure ACC [American College of Cardiology] recommendations were followed," Grines added. She also praised his ability to perform complicated procedures as well as teach other doctors.

Hamman is a licensed pilot who worked for United Airlines until the airline grounded him when his lies came to light. In addition to the real credentials he possessed, he also had ones he made up, including M.D. and Ph.D. degrees, as well as 15 years of clinical experience as a cardiologist. In reality, he did attend medical school for a few years, but never graduated.

"I remember he gave grand rounds [presentations of patients' medical conditions and treatments] at Beaumont," said Dr. Peter A. McCullough, now a consultant cardiologist at St. John Providence Health System in Novi, Mich. "He was very confident and smooth in his presentation."

Doctors at other medical centers were also impressed by lectures he gave at meetings and conferences. Hamman gave a presentation at the American College of Cardiology's annual meeting this past March.

"He seemed to be a bright guy and wanted to teach others how to perform better in the team environment," said Dr. W. Douglas Weaver, head of the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. Weaver is a past president of the American College of Cardiology.

Weaver said Hamman only talked about how doctors can work better as a team and not about how to practice medicine. Regardless, Weaver said he was still surprised to hear about Hamman's deception.

"I was shocked to learn he was not a cardiologist, as that was how he advertised himself, although said he had never practiced. He made a big mistake, and the funny part about it was he did not have to be a physician to be effective in his role as an educator," Weaver said.