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Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Wikipedia • John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was assassinated while riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.
JFK Assassination Stabilized Motion Panorama HD Nix v Zapruder - 60th anniversary
2013May 29
(best viewed in 1080pHD) ... in this clip, the lower 'Zapruder' segment has been mirrored, to allow a comparison of the scene, motion, and people with the upper segment filmed by Orville Nix from the opposite side of the motorcade (on Main Street - foreground roadway of Nix portion, background no traffic roadway in the Zapruder portion) an alternate scanned-from-film Nix motion panorama, with some more zoomed in views is at    • JFK Assassination Orville Nix Stabili...   Abraham Zapruder is the very dark figure standing on the white concrete pedestal, top right of frame playback rate is 18 frames per second the full Zapruder motion panorama, encoded to playback both in realtime (18 fps), is at ...    • JFK Assassination Zapruder 18fps no i...   another more zoomed in version, encoded to playback both in realtime (18 fps) and at 1/3 speed (6 fps) is ..    • JFK Assassination Zapruder  18 fps + ...   a 30 fps slow motion version of the Zapruder motion panorama is at ...    • JFK Assassination Zapruder Stabilized...   a later scanned version of the Nix film is at ....    • JFK Assassination Orville Nix Stabili...   Marie Muchmore's short clip of the assassination in stabilized motion panorama format is ...    • Video  


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