This was published 9 years ago
The loudest monkeys have the smallest testicles: study
By Michael Koziol
It's something most women intuitively knew: the louder the man, the smaller the genitals. Now science has more or less ticked off on the assumption - in monkeys, at least.
According to a study published by the Current Biology journal, male howler monkeys with a louder and deeper roar are more likely to have tinier testicles.
You know what they say about deep voices: a black howler monkey.Credit: Mike Lane / iStock
The researchers, from Cambridge, Utah and Vienna universities, said it marked the first evidence in any species of an "evolutionary trade-off" between the vocal tract and the testes.
"This means that different species of howler monkeys either invest in one of these traits or the other, but not both," said Jacob Dunn, a biological anthropologist at the University of Cambridge.
"I think the main message is that when it comes to reproduction, you can't have everything."
Howler monkeys produce one of the loudest vocal calls of any terrestrial animal, owing to their highly-modified larynx and its large, cup-shaped bone called the hyoid. An air sac inside the bone is thought to function like an echo chamber for the animal's mating calls.
But researchers found that those monkeys with the biggest hyoid were also the least-equipped for sperm production, and vice versa. Not that this is necessarily a disadvantage: Charles Darwin suggested the plus-sized vocal organs of the species were sexually selected.
Males living in groups where they were the lone male tended to have smaller testicles and bigger hyoids, whereas those who were competing against other males in their group tended to have larger testicles.
"This is probably because the females in these species will mate with several males, and so the males have evolved to produce more sperm to increase their chances of fertilising an egg," explained Dunn.
As for the celebrated sub-species of human known as "that really loud guy at the bar tonight", the study had nothing to report. But feel free to draw your own conclusions.
- with Reuters
Above: The large hyoid of the howler monkey is responsible for its loud vocal roar. Source: Elsevier Open Access / Creative Commons.