1. What's the average speed of male ejaculation?

A. 12 mph
B. 28 mph
C. 63 mph
D. Mach 2

Answer: B. However, once sperm enter the vagina, they slow down like four lanes merging into one: It takes 5 minutes for them to travel the 6 inches to the cervix and can take up to 72 hours to reach an egg, says Mark Elliot, director of the Institute for Psychological and Sexual Health in Columbus, Ohio.

2. What's the average length of an erect penis?

A. 6.21 inches
B. 5.95 inches
C. 8.01 inches
D. 12.2 inches

Answer: A. Ninety percent of men measure between 5 and 7 inches when erect, while the mean size of a flaccid penis is 3.89 inches. If you insist on measuring yourself: Press the ruler--er, yardstick--against your pubic bone, just above your penis.

3. The slippery stuff you secrete post-foreplay, pre-ejaculation: What is it?

A. Semen that's been hanging around in your urethra since the last time you ejaculated
B. Semen that came a little early to the orgasm party
C. Your body's own personal lubrication system kicking into gear
D. Fluid sent to clear a safe path for the forthcoming semen

Answer: C and D. A small gland at the base of the penis produces preseminal fluid, which is secreted before ejaculation. This fluid not only helps the recreation and/or procreation that follows to go more smoothly, but also neutralizes any acidic urine hanging around in the urethra, where it could damage sperm. "Sperm don't do well in acidic fluid," says Jay Sandlow, M.D., director of andrology and male infertility at the Medical College of Wisconsin. The fluid can have some stray semen in it, and those guys are tenacious swimmers. So it's unwise to base your birth-control strategy on either pulling out or praying.

4. How long after sex can the "morning- after pill" prevent pregnancy?

A. Within 3 hours
B. Within 24 hours
C. Within 72 hours
D. Within 120 hours

Answer: D. While it's best to take the pills right after any excesses of passion, new studies indicate you have a few more days to get your gal pal to take the medication, according to Vanessa Cullins, M.D., vice president for medical affairs at Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Emergency contraceptives flood a woman's body with hormones to ensure that a pregnancy never occurs--either by blocking the sperm, flushing the uterus, or delaying or preventing ovulation, depending on where the woman is in her cycle.

5. How much ejaculate will a man produce in his lifetime?

A. 2 quarts
B. 8 pints
C. 14 gallons
D. 18 gallons
E. This is entirely too gross to contemplate

Answer: C. 14 gallons--enough to fill the gas tank of a 1993 Plymouth Duster or a Shop-Vac Ultra Pump Wet/Dry Vac.

6. Match the life span of a sperm to its location:

A. Inside a man's body
B. In a petri dish at the fertility clinic
C. On your hand, her underwear, the sheet
D. Inside a woman's body

Answer: A. 3., B. 2., C. 4., D. 1. Though you create thousands of new sperm a day, the entire sperm-making process takes close to 3 months. "Sperm start out as immature germ cells," says Dr. Sandlow. "Then the DNA is compacted as the cells become smaller and more mature. It takes a long time." Once your seed is cast, the life span varies: Under the right conditions--a sealed container warmed to 98.6øF at the clinic--sperm can last up to 24 hours. Sperm that have found their way onto your sheets or her panties aren't as lucky: "It would be tough to achieve a pregnancy with sperm that are just sitting on a surface somewhere," says Dr. Sandlow, though we don't recommend experimenting at home. If your soldiers happen to find their way inside a female, they have up to 96 hours to rendezvous at Checkpoint Charley, or their mission is terminated.