How many napkins are you offered with your order at McDonald's? Do you think it's enough? One man is suing the Golden Arches for a lack of napkins after only receiving one at his local McDonald's.
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According to TMZ, Webster Lucas was unhappy with his local McDonald's in Pacoima, CA after he received just one napkin. When he asked for more, Lucas claims he was denied. That did not sit well with Lucas, who told the manager on duty, "I should have went to eat at the Jack-in-the-Box because I didn't come here to argue over napkins. I came here to eat." According to Lucas, who is African American, the manager then made a racially-motivated remark, allegedly saying something about "you people." (The manager is reportedly Latino.)
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After the verbal disagreement, Lucas emailed the general manager of the McDonald's to say that Napkingate caused him "mental anguish," which has prevented him from working. The general manger offered Lucas free burgers, but Lucas instead decided to sue McDonald's for $1.5 million.
Based on this account, do you think Lucas deserves compensation?
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