Emmys leave ''Buffy'' off the ballot

Emmys leave ''Buffy'' off the ballot. The Academy accidentally snubs ''Buffy'' in a writing category

James Marsters, Sarah Michelle Gellar, ...
Photo: Buffy: Mitchell Haaseth

Vampires and demons know better than to mess with Buffy, but apparently the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences didn’t get the memo. The Academy accidentally omitted ”Buffy the Vampire Slayer”’s acclaimed musical episode, ”Once More With Feeling,” from Emmy nomination ballots in the drama writing category, TV Guide Online reports.

The Academy tells TV Guide that they realized their error almost immediately, and sent out an addition to the ballot. But a source at ”Buffy”’s production company tells the website that most voters will probably ignore the addition, thus dooming the episode’s chances of getting nominated in that category (the show wasn’t omitted in other applicable categories, such as best drama series). The Emmy nominations will be announced July 18; the ballots department at the Academy will have stakes plunged into their hearts on July 19.

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