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Mash Donald's, Pizza Hat, and Other Blatant American-Chain Knockoffs in Iran

Imitation is the sincerest form of (fast-food) flattery.


In mid-July, Iranians took to the streets to celebrate the nuclear deal between their country and key Western powers. To them, it signaled the dawn of a new era, one in which Western brands would take root. Tweeted Bloomberg reporter Golnar Motevalli: "McDonald's is coming, says 48-year-old gold-seller (sic) Hamid with a straight face." Although that might be true down the road, Iran and the U.S., for now, have no formal diplomatic relations. Just walk the streets of Tehran and you'll be hard-pressed to find any iconic American franchises. But Pizza Hat and Mash Donald's? Both exist in Iran, and they are thriving. Here's a closer look at some of the country's most blatant knock-offs of American chains.

KFC:The Great Fried Chicken

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The original KFC was in Iran before '79, but it soon departed. Since then, many spin-offs have sprouted up in Tehran. Chicken sandwiches are loved by Iranians who can't get enough of their favorite meat due to costly prices.

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