ANIMAL rights activist Alan Cooper was yesterday cleared of a charge
of indecency with Freddie the friendly dolphin -- and then announced
plans for a celebration swim with him.
Cheers rang out from the packed public gallery at Newcastle Upon Tyne
Crown Court as the jury returned after an hour to announce a unanimous
not guilty verdict at the end of an unprecedented trial.
Mr Cooper, 39, nodded in appreciation and said as he walked from the
court he was planning an early celebration swim with Freddie, described
during the trial as the ''world's friendliest dolphin'', who has lived
around Amble Harbour, Northumberland, for five years.
''I have been completely vindicated despite the fact that I knew that
I was totally innocent,'' said Mr Cooper, a self-employed gardener of
Welbeck Street, Gorton, Manchester.
He had pleaded not guilty to a charge of outraging public decency by
masturbating Freddie's penis while swimming with him in the harbour 15
months ago, watched by people in a boat who complained to police.
Mr Cooper denied the charge, claiming it was normal for the dolphin's
penis to be exposed while people swam with him and that he came into
contact with it accidentally.
He said after the verdict: ''I have suffered severe mental anguish
during the past year. I will continue my mission to see that the captive
dolphins at Flamingoland and Windsor are returned to their natural home
in the open sea.''
During the trial the defence claimed the people who complained had
been encouraged to do so by Mr Peter Bloom, manager of the dolphinarium
at Flamingoland in north Yorkshire.
It was alleged Mr Bloom had acted as a ''back-seat driver'' in a bid
to smear Mr Cooper because of his campaigns against dolphins being kept
in captivity.
Mr Cooper told the court that, after his arrest, he received death
threats and hate mail. His mother, who has since died, had been very
upset by the publicity his arrest received.
The Attorney-General, Sir Patrick Mayhew, is to be questioned in the
House of Commons about the cost to public funds of the case.
Mr Geoffrey Dickens, Conservative MP for Littleborough and
Saddleworth, said the decision to mount a prosecution was ''batty beyond
belief'' and that he would table a question asking the Attorney-General
to investigate the circumstances and the cost.
He added: ''This is the most ridiculous case I have heard of. It is an
absolute absurdity and I cannot for the life of me fathom how the
prosecuting authorities came to reach their decision.''
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