Masturbating At Work Is More Common Than You Think

Think about that next time you're waiting for a washroom stall.

According to a recent survey by Time Out New York, 39 per cent of office workers admit to masturbating in the office john — slightly more than the 31 per cent of men that admitted to rubbing one out in 2012 according to Glamour.

And it's not just men doing the deed. According to Time Out, men and women, gay or straight, are all willing to admit they've indulged in some self-love in their workplace washroom stall for various reasons.

"If I'm really hungover at work, masturbating helps me feel better," one practitioner told Time Out while another admitted "I'm just a horny lady."

Regardless of the reasons, masturbating at work might actually be a good thing for both employees and employers.

Researchers at the University of Michigan say masturbating on the regular boosts endorphins and hormones which lowers cortisol (a stress hormone) in the body. And women who frequently masturbate are believed to have higher self-confidence than those who shy away from self-pleasure.

It's so beneficial that Mark Sergeant, a senior lecturer in psychology at Nottingham Trent University, suggests workers should take masturbation breaks as a motivational reward for completing a long list of to-dos, reports.

Think about that next time you're waiting for a stall in the office loo.

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