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Disney World photo captures couple together 15 years before they met

30 years ago, this family photo at Disney World captured a woman’s husband in the background long before they met.

1 min read

The odds are astronomical: 30 years ago, when Alex and Donna Voutsinas lived in different countries and long before they met and married, they were captured in the same photo at Disney World. That’s Donna at right in front. Alex is in the stroller in the background immediately behind Mr. Smee.

No one knows better than Alex and Donna Voutsinas that it’s a small world after all.

Thirty years ago, when they lived in separate countries long before they met and married, a family shot of little Donna at Walt Disney World captured Alex in a stroller in the background.

Lesley Taylor

Lesley Ciarula Taylor is a former Toronto Star staff reporter and editor.


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