The Big Lebowski Challenge

We've been talking about this a longer than five seconds, but it finally happened.

The Big Lebowski Challenge is a simple game wherein you follow the Dude's lead throughout a viewing of The Big Lebowski. When the Dude drinks a White Russian, so do you. When he smokes a J, light it up.  Is he drinking an oat soda?  There better be a beer in your hand.  This Saturday, twelve of us got together and took on The Big Lebowski Challenge.

After a little research into the rules (easy as they are) we compiled a grocery list and went to Ralph's, though a check for 69 cents was not written, sadly.  For your challenge, here's our list of required items:

  • Half & Half (full disclosure: we substituted 2% lactose-free milk. I mean, no need to poke the bear, we were about to drink 12 or so White Russians. Also, purists may want to get some non-dairy creamer too, for the occasional "Caucasian".)
  • Kahlua, 2 bottles
  • Vodka, 1 handle of Tito's
  • 3oz dental cups - you know, the kind you gargle and spit when getting your teeth cleaned.  The come in 150 ct. packs, which is good.
  • Beer, aka Oat Soda and get at least 24 of 'em.
  • Ice
  • Medical Marijuana*, because you that's illegal and you shouldn't be smoking it for fun, ok?
  • Rolling Papers*

*Not available at Ralph's.

Someone had the brilliant idea to make White Russian shooters for logistical let alone health reasons.  Trust me, this is the way to go.  Mix equal parts vodka and kahlua filling a large pitcher 2/3 of the way to the top.  Stir and toss that concoction into the fridge (or freezer if time is short).  When it comes time to start dishing out the shooters add ice and creamer to fill the pitcher and stir - world's biggest White Russian?  Now take out those odd little dentist cups and line up a lot of them.  Pour your milkshake-like beverage into the cups and when the Dude drinks his White Russian, abide.  White Russian Count: 9-12

Pro Tip: Roll your joints ahead of the challenge too. You'll quickly notice that despite how many times you've seen this movie the White Russians and joints will sneak up on you.  Joint Count: 5

Beer worked well as a side beverage throughout the movie.  What cotton mouth?  Don't forget to finish it when the Dude drinks one.  These come up first, fast and often.  Oat Soda Count:  Unknown

For an added layer of authenticity, pickup some bowling alley inspired cuisine - pizza, hot pretzels, pigs in a blanket - because food WILL help.

Good luck, friends.  Dude responsibly.

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