Page last updated at 11:44 GMT, Monday, 14 July 2008 12:44 UK

Last tenant 'found decapitated'

A man who was found with his head severed by a chainsaw was fighting to stay in a block of 70 flats in Hampshire cleared for redevelopment.

David Phyall, 50, was the last tenant at the Atlantic Housing Ltd housing association flats in Eastleigh.

His body was found by police on 5 July, who said his death was not suspicious. Post-mortem tests showed he died of a "complete transection of the neck".

An inquest was opened and adjourned at Winchester Coroner's Court on Friday.

There's nothing suspicious about the death
Spokesman for coroner

A spokesman for the coroner said: "As far as we know nobody else was involved.

"There's nothing suspicious about the death. It was in his flat on Bodmin Road.

"The place is all due to be redeveloped. He was the last resident left there. He lived there alone."

A Hampshire Constabulary spokeswoman confirmed his death was not suspicious.

"We were called to the address on Bodmin Road on 5 July at approximately 4.20pm to a non-suspicious death," she said.

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