Why can some people smell ants, but others can't?

By Maddison Leach|

When a colleague mentioned this week that that some people can smell ants, my response was "wait, there are people who can't smell them?"

I had always assumed that everyone knew the sharp, vile stink of ants, but apparently I've been the odd one out this whole time.

You see, I can smell ants and they smell nasty.

There's fierce debate over whether or not ants have a smell. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

I can't bear to squash one or even brush one off my skin (I shake my arm violently instead to get them off) for fear of my hands smelling like ant for the rest of the day.

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But chaos erupted among the 9Honey team when the topic was broached, with most people insisting I was mental.

"Why on earth are you sniffing ants?" some said with a mix of confusion and disgust.

For the record, I don't sniff ants. No one really sniffs ants, I think. We can just smell them – it's different.

It's not that people who can smell ants go around sniffing the tiny black creatures, more that we're sensitive to that specific ant-scent if we touch or, God forbid, have to squish one.

Some say they can even smell ants when they swarm in their home, or as one TikTok user claimed, when they're dead on the footpath.

(That is the face of a woman who can smell ants, would you believe?)

So what do ants actually smell like?

Well, it depends.

Some species can release pheromones when they're squished, while others can spray formic acid, which is a chemical that smells a bit like vinegar.

Carpenter ants, which are common in Australia, can spray this acid as a defense mechanism, and it's thought hat the ability to smell the acid is genetic.

A close up of a carpenter ant, which can produce formic acid. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

As such, sensitivity to the smell could be tied to a person's genetics, which could explain why some people can "smell ants" while others can't.

Citronella ants are known and named or their citrusy scent, and almost all ants release oleic acid when they die of natural causes, which can smell a bit like olive oil.

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The point of most of these smells is to ward off threats, according to Clint Penick, an assistant professor at Kennesaw State University, USA.

"Most of the common ones… are to make the ants distasteful, and functions maybe as an alarm pheromone to let other ants know that there's danger nearby," he told Popular Science.

If you don't think you can smell ants, it could be due to your genes. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

In plain English, most ants can and do produce smells when threatened on when they die, and genetics may play a role in whether a person can actually pick up on those scents.

But it could also be that people who claim they can't smell ants have simply never tried hard enough.

Even people without the supposed genetic disposition to smell formic acid may be able to smell the oleic acid ants produce when they die.

It's just that finding out if you can smell it would involve, well, sniffing a dead ant. And who wants to do that?

As for the people insisting they can smell dead ants on the road or in their homes, it could be that they're simply more sensitive to the smells and therefore pick up on it more often.

Can you smell ants?

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