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Last Updated: Saturday, 14 May 2005, 14:56 GMT 15:56 UK
Politician quits over wine stunt
The homeless man did not find the situation "funny"
A German politician has been forced to resign after pouring wine over the head of a homeless man.

Peter Gloystein, Economy Minister in the state of Bremen, doused a stunned Udo Oelschlaeger during the launch of German wine week last Wednesday.

"Here's something for you to drink," he said as he poured the wine. "Who are you? Why are you doing this?" a tearful Mr Oelschlaeger retorted.

Mr Gloystein said he had met Mr Oelschlaeger later and apologised.

Not funny

Mr Oelschlaeger was standing next to the podium at the public, open-air event from where the centre-right Christian Democrat poured the wine.

Mr Gloystein said he had not intended to insult the homeless man, who did not find it "funny", police said.

"I had a long and intensive talk with Mr Oelschlaeger the same evening. He explained his difficult life. We departed on friendly terms," the politician said.

"If possible, I would like to help out Mr Oelschlaeger," Mr Gloystein said in a statement.

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