Far and wide, the Super Smash Bros. series is known for bringing friends and family together. The latest entry Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is no different. Last Friday, a group of friends - located in Saint Paul, Minnesota - were hosting a small gathering for the new game on Switch when two local police officers showed up in response to a noise complaint from a neighbour.
Jovante M. Williams, who happened to arrive at his friends' apartment at the same time as the police, told Yahoo Lifestyle how the group of friends had recently been playing their games on mute.
"There's been a couple of noise complaints going on, from the same people...Lately, we've been playing our games on mute; we don't want to bother anyone."
When the police realised it was all fun and games, Williams asked them to participate. It turns out the officers knew how to play this particular game very well.
"I’m like, ‘Y’all wanna play Smash?!’ And two of them literally raised their hand and walked up. They’re like, ‘How do you jump?’ They were acting; one of them was playing Pikachu!”
He even posted video evidence on Twitter. Take a look below:
Williams said his friends had been visited on a number of occasions by the police, and the noise levels were always the same. He reiterated how they just wanted to play Smash and were pleasantly surprised by how the two police officers reacted.
“We’re not trouble. We’re adults. Sometimes, we drink beer...It was concerning. You see so many videos of terrible results…I’m not trying to end up in jail or hurt, or have my friends harmed, or to start a commotion. But you know what? I heard the police asking ‘What Smash Brothers?’ Instead of something negative…it was something wholesome.”
In the end, one of the officers confirmed the issue had been handled and no charges were laid.
[source yahoo.com, via twincities.com]
Comments 90
I am so accustomed to stories like this ending in utter tragedy. It's nice that, for once, things didn't go that way. Thank God!
Should invite the neighbours round for a smash too!
I actually had a similar situation when we played Kororinpa on the Wii for the first time. It was such an odd game that connected all of us because we all remembered Marble Madness of years ago.
Though ours didn't turn out a similar ending, police just told us to keep it down and we went in on gaming per usual.
Pikachu on the other hand was arrested for assualt with a deadly weapon (taser) and link was also taken into custody for aggrevated posession of a deadly weapon with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.
This is SO funny I love it hahaha
I can be as loud as I want when I am playing smash the greatest game of the century
I always love stories like this. It's a reminder that we as human beings have more in common than we realize. I'm glad that all parties involved kept the whole situation civil and fun.
There's nothing wrong with a good, wholesome game of Smash!
Police: Sir, you are under arr-
Guy: Holds out GameCube Controller
Police: Sir?
Guy: Let’s settle it in Smash, you win, I get arrested, I win, you get arrested
Police: Squints eyes You’re on.
Some criminals surrender to the police but everyone surrenders to Smash!
With all the negative stuff in the news past few years really nice to see this.
@illmatic20xx It seems that most news outlets try to highlight the negative aspects of law enforcement. It's nice to see something that shows they are just people too, like us!
@goggles789 Some are. Some police are above and beyond, real heroes! Risking their lives to truly serve and protect. Some are monsters who gun people down in cold blood at the slightest possible threat. I agree there should be more coverage of the good police do. But in order to stop the bad, we do need to know about it.
@Heavyarms55 well if the neighbor who complained sees this, they could try to get the cops in trouble
@bolt05 Cops towards Link: "you have the right to remain silent"...
@illmatic20xx past few years? More like the past couple of decades. Most news outlets tend to focus more on fear mongering and needless drama to draw in people who essentially feed on drama whom I like to refer to as drama leeches. They don't like to focus on wholesome stuff all that often because of this very reason.
The Police Have This Fight Under Arrest!
@Heavyarms55 While I agree with your overall sentiment, why do we need to know about it? Most "bad" law enforcement officials get disciplined internally. I understand that making a big deal about some of these things on the news helps some people get pressured into making the "right" decision, but I still think it's largely not our business. Not every person that gets shot by a policeman needs to be on the news as the next "example of racism in the system," or whatever agenda they are currently pushing.
@goggles789 - It goes with their mantra, "If it bleeds, it leads."
News does not get shared as much as any negative story out there.
I don't ever listen to the news, there is bad everywhere and they LOVE to make things worse. They make it like every other person wants to kill you, curse you or hurt you. And people usually just jump on the first thing they hear about reports (whish is always the assumed and worse thing).
But when the good happens, they act like it almost seldomly happens. Which is almost the opposite.
I love to hear things about this, spread positivity instead of fear. #idontknowimjustaguyontheinternet
It feels like it's been ages since I've read a positive story about our police force. It seems like they only get into the news when they've killed someone or been killed. It's a pleasure to see some officers get the spotlight for being genuinely good people.
@Heavyarms55 my friend who is a cop is something of a middle ground. he tries to do as much good as he can, but he tends to end up dealing with crazy people, a good portion of which I was dealing with first. It puts him on edge especially when he's around me since crazy people tend to be drawn to me for some reason. he got into a habit of always having a gun on him after he drove me to the hospital with a knife sticking out of my back years ago. He also somehow wound up in a relationship with a girl who was stalking me when they first met which has lasted over 5 years now. He chased her down after getting annoyed by being followed while walking with me, cuaght her, fell for her and eventually won her over after I kept rejecting her. I swear, my life has been one weird chaotic mess...
Those boys need to unlock some more characters! haha
Glad this story ended well.
We need more wholesome stories like this.
Wow, I came for the upbrat positive story and stayed for the great commentary on how bad it is that the news sometimes shows negative things.
We don't live in Candyland.
It's nice when the cool cops show up.
Won’t they lose their job? A similar situation happened when my friends and I were filming a zombie movie. Officer checked to see what was going on and he allowed us to use the police car and lights for a scene. The caveat being that he didn’t want us to post on social media because he’d be fired.
Don't miss my apartment days. Haha
Nice to see some sensible officers around.
Aww that's cool!
@Shadowmoon522 I understand that being a cop is one of the most difficult jobs a person could have. It is extremely demanding on the person. But because of the extreme importance of the job, and the authority police are trusted with, I do believe they need to be held to a higher standard and that some people, probably many people, could never be police.
When police make mistakes, lives are ruined, or ended entirely.
@Pirlo_ze_sniper That would be an impressive level of pettiness. But not an impossible level...
@brandonbwii What a cool story.
Faith in humanity slightly restored.
Stories like this do bring a smile to my face...
@ReaderRagfish you get a high five and a smile for using Segata Sanshiro as your avatar.
It’s good to see positive stories like this every once in a while...
It’s like that Kendall Jenner Pepsi ad, but in real life.
Finally, something in the news involving cops doing something normal and fun!
Yes, this is a happy ending indeed. And the reason for it is that both parties acted responsibly. Tragedy happens in these situations when police are forced to make split second decisions on the life and death of themselves and the civilians they are responsible for protecting when faced with people who act irrisponsibly, threateningly and criminally during the course of a call or arrest. Police are there to protect. And when they are threatened, that means innocents are threatened. I fully expect them to not be Mr. Nice guy to those who are not obeying the same commands I or any other law abiding citzen would in the same situation.
So the example here is a good one. No one gave the officers reason to escalate the situation. There was a mutual respect and a job well done on all sides.
@AcesHigh There are situations where what you describe happen. They are not the main or the primary source of tragedies. Most real tragedies are the result of panicky or poorly trained officers, officers with an irrational and unjust bias, or actual deliberate cruelty. These tragedies are often compounded by police departments that attempt to cover-up or downplay mistakes by their own, rather than denouncing and punishing those responsible.
Saying that victims force police to react the way they often do is the worst kind of victim blaming. I can literally give you dozens of examples where police have just gunned people down, killed the wrong guy, or used grossly excessive force. But I can't here because going into those kind of details would violate the community rules on this site.
@Pirlo_ze_sniper How can they get the police in trouble? Please explain? As long as they don't drink alcohol while on duty, there is nothing wrong here.
They played a single round of Smash Bros, which is what? 2-3 minutes lol.
It's actually the neighbor who called the cops and waste their time for nothing.
I can't help but smile when I read stories like this.
Remember they are on duty responding to a disturbance not on a lunch break. This neighbour seems like someone who has a stick up the wrong end and the type of person to escalate the matter with the cops superior if he/she came to light of this.
Haha awesome! More smash for me later
@Heavyarms55 Unfortunately a lot of people drawn to law enforcement are narcissistic which can really create a toxic environment and spoil even those with good intentions.
Pretty sure this could backfire for the officers.
I assume they have those nasty kind of neighbor that calls the police on every single thing rather than confront the noise makers themselves. The story mentions it's not the same time and the guys are trying to keep the noise down. But you know, every apartment block seems to have that one nasty old lady living in it calling police on someone or attempting to steal their cat all the time.
@brandonbwii : I can't vouch for other jurisdictions, or even other states, but unauthorised use of the New South Wales Police insignia (including uniforms, cars etc.) among other things are illegal here.
Won’t somebody please think of the New South Wales Police Insignia!
I wish the cop main'ed Cpt Falcon, or Samus
Common sense prevails!! Hope the officers went and cited the complaining neighbors for disturbing the peace (of a friendly gaming session)!
@goggles789 Not sure what planet you are living on, by stating "Most "bad" law enforcement officials get disciplined internally". More often than not, very little if anything is done to discipline their own and covering up or diminishing the actions of bad law enforcement is prevalent.
Anyway as stated by others, it's nice this story ended positively. There are countless examples of deadly encounters with the police, especially for ethnic minorities, after having them be called on people, for doing every day activities.
Ha! This is way too funny.
Police was fun. But No one knows Arrested on Livestream game same last time.
That’s awesome. I love watching Live PD on A&E network. If you’ve never seen it, check it out. It’s not like cops where it’s just edited and cut. It’s 2-3 hours of live feed with officers and deputies from 8 or 9 different counties across the country. You get to see how interactions start and end, and these folks are truly amazing. From getting cows out of the road and helping a kid find their parent to de-escalating self harm attempts and getting drunk people to safety, it’s everything. My agency I work for also works closely with law enforcement partners in 7 counties and I’ve only met an officer I didn’t like twice in 6 years.
It's crazy when something really local like this pops up. That's awesome though I would be scared to go in anyone's house/apartment in St. Paul.
This seems like something that would happen right out of the 80s lol. See, Smash does make the world happy
Agree to disagree. The opposite is actually true. I'd love to hear the facts on the dozens of examples you state as publicly, there have only been a handful. I and anyone else can site from public record dozens more where the opposite is true
It is actually the exception where the police have been found at fault. All incidents are investigated by independent counsel (indpendent of the police union) so you cannot imply corrupt police departments. That is an easy false fact to throw out there. Those investigated that acted improperly have been prosecuted and jailed. I do agree with you that this is not the forum. But facts and statistics show that the opposite of what you are saying is actually true. It is advisable to get your facts from local and federal government judiciary and census reporting (which is all publicly available - at least those reports not blocked by our last administration who chose to hide inconvenient truths vs. Actually dealing with the situation head on with all parties). Not the leftist media.
sounds like they have one of those overbearing neighbors if this happens every time they play games together. they should write a complaint to the front office and see if they can do something. either that or the police need to tell them to stfu next time they call.
Thank goodness ...that could have gone sideways. Glad the residents are safe.
Well there's a whole new meaning to #SettleItInSmash!
Though to be fair, even as a gamer, I'd be kind of miffed if someone next to me were having Smash parties I could hear. Just use headphones and don't be rude, guys.
@HobbitGamer It depends what part of the country you're in. I've seen a lot change here. When I was a kid I spent a lot of time at all the food stops the cops hung out at. They were all like they walked out of a Norman Rockwell painting....it was great. Today, it's 50/50 around here, some are still like that, but too many get driven out by the others.....there's a lot that seem to be young, smug, arrogant dudebros on power trips, and guys with serious anger management issues, all of which are also uninterested in doing much actual work when they can avoid it. As long as there's enough good ones it balances out, but there seems to be a slow increase of the uppity (the profanity filter would probably trip over the non-profane actual word.) It's always interesting watching the interaction between the fire & rescue crowd and the municipal cops. The former are 100% great. And end up running up against the 'tudes of the latter who see themselves superior (or defensively prevent being seen as inferior.)
@Heavyarms55 It's St. Paul, not NYPD....not all departments bring out the nightsticks and shotguns for jaywalking reports.
It's nice to see a report that says what I've believed all along. Cops are all bad. It's just the bad ones are the ones who tend to make the news so that's all most of us see/hear about.
Kudos to them!
"This guys were making too much noise while playing Smash. Instead of arresting them, a couple of Police officers sat down and shot them 57 times in their own home. This is the worst case of suicide scenario we've ever seen."
@Hyrule It's okay. I know it's because you haven't been exposed to a lot of law enforcement, so you are only able to form an opinion based on what you read on the net.
Cops playing Smash = An outgrowing numbers expands to even more players. I love this!
@illmatic20xx agreed
They didn't gun anyone down? Well done guys.
The caller must be jealous they don't have smash.
Great News to read!
@Mayor_Haggar Red flag? Oh my friend, you have NO idea. But my feelings for police are 103% warranted. The "for once" is very deserved.
@AcesHigh If you want, we can talk on Discord or Skype sometime. But that conversation would violate the community rules here. Police have carried out countless abuses and atrocious violence that can't be gone into detail here.
It’s things like this that make me proud to be a Minnesota gamer!!
Good job guys. Show the SPPD how to smash! ❤️
@NIN10DOXD In response to the Kendal Jenner comment. Saint Paul has seen its share of gun violence. Philando Castile was shot and killed by Saint Anthony police out here. That news story exploded and painted the picture this kind of stuff can happen anywhere, even in Minnesota. Seeing the police officers joining in ‘Smash with these gamers shows me Minnesota Nice still exists. I hope it continues and shows everyone we can have peace and friendship with law enforcement.
@StarSurfer I didn't even think about that, but you're right. This really is a cool story.
No charges were filed? Oh I have a feeling charges were filled against a certain koopa king after I assume the police roughed him up a bit
@goggles789 Yeah that makes sense, you know everything about me and my life. Keep viewing the world from your rose tinted glasses. The rest of us live in reality
Nice story. If more positive police incidences, like this one, were spread widely more often, there wouldn't be such disdain for both them and the citizens they're supposed to be serving.
There are terrible cops, just like there are terrible citizens, but since hate and tragedy sells better, that's what we usually hear about.
@Hyrule This isn't hard. Look at the percentage of people that are police officers that act justly on a daily basis, and compare it to the number of officers that abuse their position. Do that, then call me back, instead of being a silly edge-lord.
@Ttimer5 i feel the same about the news too, i don't watch it either because it's so violent and grim.
I hope you're not serious. Of course you do not hear about the 99% of incidents ending well unless the outcome is something funny like this. Only the stories that goes utterly wrong ends up in the media. It's wrong of you to assume otherwise and actually you're only contributing to a negative society if that's your view.
Building an understading of the world through the tabloids is poison.
I'm guessing it's the same person that keeps down-voting you, and anyone who agrees with you, but thank you for continuing to post! I will keep liking your comments to cancel the other person's opinion out.
Also, to the person that keeps down-voting, no one is saying all police are bad. But when gross abuses of power happen nearly every week, with little to no consequence for the offenders, it naturally leads to a certain amount of cynicism.
I am grateful that the officers that responded to the noise complaint did so with impartiality and grace. That's how law enforcement is supposed to work. But we must also remember that this is not the first time the police have been called on these folks and I doubt it will be the last, sadly. It won't always be the same officers that respond. Some officer with some preconceived notion in his head could mistake frustration or a hesitancy to comply as aggression and wind up escalating the situation.
Just to kind of drive the point home: A woman was recently arrested for sitting on a floor. She was sitting on the floor because she was tired, needed to obtain a daycare voucher for her 1-year-old son, and all of the seats in the waiting room were full. The police were needlessly called after she refused to stand and wait. Rather than mediate, the police officers that responded decided to forcefully remove the child and arrest the mom. One officer also threatened the gathering crowd with a stun-gun.
Thankfully, someone filmed this blatant abuse of power and the woman has since been freed. The local police union's response to the whole ordeal was that the officers were faced with an "impossible situation" and essentially blamed the victim for being non-compliant. This is why people don't trust the police. And this is just one of several incidents this week.
@KainXavier People have every right to down vote my comments and disagree with me. I don't agree with them either. People who disagree can co-exist. I don't wish police brutality on anyone. Even on people who disgust me by defending it and denouncing those of us who call it out. I hope their misplaced faith does not bite them in the rear someday, rather, I hope their eyes are opened another way, and they can become part of the solution.
@goggles789 If we don't know about these events, they get covered up. We can't just trust police to discipline themselves. History has shown that those in power do not discipline themselves if we don't hold them accountable.
@Heavyarms55 Sure, it’s a fine point you make, but it still only applies to a small percentage. The majority is acting out of a good spirit.
Very true! I didn't mean to imply that people couldn't down-vote you just that they shouldn't. I also didn't want to see your comments removed because I feel like they are adding to the conversation.
@goggles789 A small percentage of cyanide is still dangerous. These small percentages you are talking about result in brutal murders, major corruption, criminals walking free, criminals aided by the very people who are supposed to apprehend them.
@KainXavier I highly doubt NintendoLife would remove my comments. I try very hard to stay within their guidelines. And in the past if I messed up, generally they have only removed the problematic not the whole comment.
@Heavyarms55 I get it, you don’t like cops. Talking to me isn’t going to solve your hate.
@goggles789 Lol that's cute. You're part of the problem in your defense of them but okay. Whine about my hate, I'll not stop calling them out when they do wrong, or praising them on the rare occasion they really do right.
@Heavyarms55 I love all the tough talk, but we both know who you’ll call if something (god forbid) happens to you. Try some more peaceful thoughts. Not everyone is out to get you, and not every cop is bad. Try not to get too involved in what the news media pushes. They are covering less than 1% of all actual responses that first responders make.
This story BRIGHTENED my day! Good ‘ol Smash instilling peace from potential chaos!
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