Free Subways on New Year’s. Been There, Done That, Twice.

It’s tough, isn’t it, getting around on New Year’s Eve? You’ve had one too many (that last martini was really a mistake), a bag strap broke back on 14th Street, and now you’re at the turnstile and the MetroCard is missing and you ran out of cash an hour ago and — oh, no, here’s the train, gah!

It would be so much simpler if the subway were just, well, free. For a few brief hours in the 1980s, it was.

The city’s buses, subways and commuter railroads all stopped charging, from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m., on New Year’s Eves 1984 and 1985, in an effort to discourage drunken driving and encourage safe behavior on one of the more raucous nights of the year. And while the free rides fell victim to vandalism, muggings, attempted stabbings and “roving bands of drunken teenagers,” some of the city’s more notable nostalgists continue to reminisce about those brief golden hours of gratis public transit.

“Those free hours were always a lovely treat for New Yorkers who wanted to hit the town on the eve,” Michael Musto, the Village Voice columnist and longtime chronicler of the downtown set, wrote in an e-mail message. “They didn’t benefit me personally since I’ve always ridden everywhere on my bike, even in freezing weather, but I remember friends taking advantage of the free passes, and some of them didn’t even have anywhere specific to go!”

The grand experiment made its debut at 8 p.m. on Dec. 31, 1984, after Edward I. Koch and Mario M. Cuomo (then mayor and governor, respectively), pushed the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to suspend the 90-cent fare as a safety measure. New Jersey Transit and PATH trains had run a similar free-ride program in 1983.

Officials at the transit authority grumbled about an estimated $1 million in lost revenue, but editorials at the time praised the decision. “Less driving on the least sober night of the year easily justifies the expense,” The Times wrote. “Deaths and injuries caused by drunk drivers probably cost more. So does traffic congestion.”

While drunken revelers — described in one account as wearing “cowboy boots with spurs, or leather chaps, or confetti in their hair, or cardboard tiaras or white top hats or metallic blue fezzes” — enjoyed the complimentary rides, authority figures were less amused.

“There were a fair number of groups who got on trains with no particular destination other than to ride the train as a place to have a party,” groused Bruce McIver, president of the Long Island Rail Road. Of 225 trains operating that night on the railroad, 100 were delayed because of a variety of mischievous activities, many of which required a call to the police. The night ended with ripped seats, graffitied windows and four arrests.

Things did not go much better on the city subways. The transportation authority recorded 55 felonies and 29 arrests that night, up from 33 felonies and 15 arrests during the previous New Year’s Eve. (Officials attributed some of the problems to higher ridership.)

Despite those hiccups, the free fares went into effect again on Dec. 31, 1985, although the Long Island Rail Road, apparently stung by the experience, opted out.

It took an all-too-contemporary scourge — a transportation authority budget crisis — for the program to meet its demise. By December 1986, the authority was struggling with an $8.6 billion financing gap and an intransigent set of state lawmakers who refused to free up the extra cash. (Sound familiar?) The tussle led the authority to threaten an immediate fare increase, to $1.35 from $1, which would go into effect Jan. 1.

Given the situation, free rides on New Year’s Eve did not make much sense from a budgetary or bargaining standpoint. A last-minute settlement, early on the morning of Dec. 31, averted the fare increase, but it was too late to restore the gratis rides. “This is an unfortunate fallout, perhaps, of the protracted nature of this process,” Robert R. Kiley, the chairman of the authority, said at the time.

The glory days of complimentary New Year’s Eve travel never returned, and readers should not expect them back any time soon. Transit officials, asked whether free rides were a possibility this year, gravely noted that the authority was already facing a $300 million shortfall: not the best time to lose another batch of fare revenue.

Instead, New Yorkers seeking a free way to use mass transit will have to depend on a vodka company. Cîroc Ultra Premium Vodka, a French spirit “made using French mauzac blanc and ugni blanc grapes,” is sponsoring a giveaway of thousands of single-ride MetroCards and $15 debit cards specially wired to work only with New York City taxicabs. Diddy is a co-sponsor.

Revelers should congregate in West Chelsea and the meatpacking district, where the cards will be distributed from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. “We should be pretty easily identifiable,” said Alexandra Sklansky, a publicist for the event. “The men will be in tuxedos, and the women in long black coats.”

Mr. Koch, reached by phone, said he had fond memories of the free New Year’s Eve rides during his time as mayor, although he attended the Times Square ball-drop only once or twice in his 12-year tenure. He said he knew to avoid that part of town on Dec. 31.

“To me, standing waiting for the ball to drop is not exactly an exciting moment in life,” Mr. Koch said.

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Implementing this idea would be much simpler if the author were to donate the lost revenue to the MTA.

Free public transport in Milwaukee tonight, courtesy of MillerCoors, and it definitely helps to reduce the drunk driving, if only by raising awareness.

The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) and other regional transit authorities offer free fares on NYE. When they start, however, varies with the authority. Some as early as 7PM, others not until 12:01AM to get people home.

Given that so many tax dollars keep the systems going, it is the least they can do.

This would do NYC more good than harm. With proper police enforcement it would help motivate people to go out and do things that they wouldn’t normally do otherwise. Also it would just be a big PR boost for the city and the MTA. I just think it would be nice. It would help families and friends getting together easier, as well as cutting down on having to deal with drunk driving. That’s part of the reason my family doesn’t like to head out that night. Yes we can dwell on the fear of the vandals destroying the place, but as we have seen from our recent blackouts the city has changed and the police department is up to the task. I say next year advertise the “Free New Years” program weeks in advance so people can plan for it and we will see a very happy new year.

Hello All:

Nowadays, most New Yorkers who regularly travel by subway have unlimited ride cards, no? It seems fair to let the tourists pay their share while in town.


If you can afford to go out drinking in nyc on New Years eve then you can afford 4 bucks for a round trip subway ride. Free transit is definitely an invite primarily for trouble-makers.

Public transit in Chicago is free every New Years. Well, technically a penny a ride because CTA isn’t legally allowed to offer free rides.

The Toronto free rides on NYE are paid for by entertainment industry sponsors, not taxpayers and farecard holders. They are, after all, benefiting from people who leave home to get drunk.

how about just decent, well funded, well managed, clean service the rest of the year?

Like I said it is time to stage a Bastille Day in front of the MTA at 44th and Madison. Along with some China-style trials for former chairmen who contributed to this awful, laughing-stock-of-the-world subway system we have (even Milan does better! or Venezuela!).

My New Year’s Resolution is to somehow try to turn the tide at the MTA.

Screw the free rides — I want to pay for DECENT, CLEAN service.


Ed Koch, the pathetic former mayor, may have fond memories of free rides on New Year’s Eve in 1984 and 1985, but I certainly don’t.

I was mugged on the subway, in Brooklyn, on New Year’s Eve in 1985, thanks to the mayhem provided by open turnstiles that night. It was indeed a party atmosphere–a violent, raucous one–on the platforms and in the cars, with gangs of drunk kids (I was 26 myself at the time) raising hell everywhere. I’ll never forget crawling on the floor of the subway car I was in, trying to escape the blows raining on me from 4 drunk thugs, who were also trying to get into my pockets. It was the most horrifying experience of my life.

You’re going to drop probably a hundred bucks on drinks and food, and you can’t spend $4.50 on the subway? What? Who comes up with this garbage??????

I remember those 2 nights very well.

It was smart, not as awful as some would have you remember, and for us bus riders, a god-send. Yes, there were some inebriated folks and most of us avoided the subway, but it was a good idea at the time and probably saved more lives than can be imagined.

Walking while drunk is almost as bad as driving while drunk, so free or low cost public transit is worth it if it saves a few lives.

MTA should be fareless for all NYC residents every day of the year, and supported by tax revenues entirely, tilted more towards taxi, car license fees, taxes on parking, and other private automobile usage fees.

Just like a public library card only city residents should get a free pass card, and all others should have to purchase passes.

The argument that those who don’t use public transit shouldn’t pay for it is specious – those who don’t have children pay for schools because there is a public good. Well, an efficient, clean, and well used public transit system is a tremendous economic boon to the city, whereas the gridlocked surface streets interfering with pedestrian traffic patterns only serve to depress the efficiency of the city transportation matrix.

So, I agree it should be free on New Years. And then we can resolve to keep it free throughout the year.

CONDUCTOR STEINBACH 855679 December 31, 2009 · 12:39 pm

This article just proves what I have been saying all along. The purpose of the MTA is to kill the passengers to embezzle money. Considering the city has a DUTY to protect its citizens lives one could strongly surmise that the Mayor and Governor are at least morrally if not legally guilty of manslaughter. However considering that public safety is not on their list of desires forget about a good will jesture. Just worry about as the expression goes “your money or your life”

The “free ride” if implemented again would cost more in overtime for transit worker and police coverage than the fares that would be generated by paying riders.

Why dont we get those $15 debit cards everyday. It will help me and the economy. We’ve payed enough for these trains. We should all be getting free rides after midnight or why no free always.

My wife and I used this as a young couple in 1984 or 1985. We lived in an apartment in North Bergen. We bussed into NY, went to the Palm, subwayed up to see the tree in Rockefeller Center (which was gloriously uncrowded because everyone was in Times Square) and then took the bus back to North Bergen, just in time to see the ball drop on TV. It was a wonderful time and most of the trip cost nothing (I think we paid for the bus in and the first subway trip). I feel nostalgic for that night every year.

For the commenters who point out some cities that get sponsors for a night of free public transportation, this is a GREAT idea.

It also reveals the sad truth about the Bloomberg administration’s focus. When they want to prop a limp noodle of a deal like the Barclay’s Arena in Brooklyn, they sell the naming rights to the entire Atlantic Ave station to a foreign company for peanuts.

But free rides to protect citizen safety and keep drunk drivers off the street? There will be no Bloomberg staffer working on that idea.

The Los Angeles MTA is offering free rides on all their trains and buses from 9 PM on New Years Eve to 2 AM on New Years Day. They did the same thing for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and have been doing so for years.

They also plan to run the Metro Gold Line to Pasadena for the Rose Parade and Rose Bowl every 15 minutes on New Years Day.

Also the Auto Club (AAA) is offering drunk drivers a free taxi ride home on New Years Eve.

“The argument that those who don’t use public transit shouldn’t pay for it is specious – those who don’t have children pay for schools because there is a public good. Well, an efficient, clean, and well used public transit system is a tremendous economic boon to the city, whereas the gridlocked surface streets interfering with pedestrian traffic patterns only serve to depress the efficiency of the city transportation matrix.”

That statement is false. We drivers actually pay the most to subsidize your subway rides, while those of you riders give next to nothing. We even pay for our own roads that you riders barely give for as well. I was never a supporter of the Kheel Plan, which was to offer free subway rides while congestion pricing would be used to pay for transit, because many would find that as just another way to nickel and dime us drivers for something we already use, plus it wouldn’t work if many just avoided the planned zone that wouldn’t get the needed revenue. Currently, the MTA doesn’t seem to be in good shape, so giving free rides isn’t a good idea at this time, and don’t scapegoat the TWU for that. If I had to choose the lesser of the two evils, then higher fares would be better than service cuts. BTW, many of those cities that have clean, efficient subways actually have much higher fares. If you can afford anything else that went up in value, you can afford higher fares.

I suppose Koch was celebrating New Year’s Eve in the suburbs all those years he was mayor.

In Paris riding the Metro, Bus and RER (regional commuter rail) are all free on New Years and better yet, they run all through the night (as opposed to shutting down at 2 am as usual). A great treat.

The $4.50 roundtrip subway fare is still cheaper than a cabride (unless you’re going… three blocks) and cheaper still than parking…. provided you find a space.

i would like to believe that stimulus money would be available to those systems wishing to provide free service. obama was able to bail out banks and ther financial concerns, why not assist those who could make good use of these funds?

@ #8: It makes sense to have sponsors pay for, or at least defray the cost of any free rides. New Yorkers as a whole don’t seem to appreciate that nothing is truly free.

And from a practical standpoint, New York seems to be the American city in which people are the least likely to drive to and from New Years festivities if for no other reason than lack of parking, crowding, and street closures.