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Train’s ‘Led Zeppelin II’ tribute is confusing and unnecessary

  • Drummer Drew Shoals, in the shadow of John Bonham, had...

    Thomas Levinson/New York Daily News

    Drummer Drew Shoals, in the shadow of John Bonham, had big shoes to fill.

  • Train plays "Led Zeppelin II" in its entirety at Irving...

    Thomas Levinson/New York Daily News

    Train plays "Led Zeppelin II" in its entirety at Irving Plaza Wednesday. But why?

  • Ugh.

    Thomas Levinson/New York Daily News


  • Guitarist Jerry Becker gets into it.

    Thomas Levinson/New York Daily News

    Guitarist Jerry Becker gets into it.

  • Singer Pat Monahan belts his best Robert Plant impression.

    Thomas Levinson/New York Daily News

    Singer Pat Monahan belts his best Robert Plant impression.



Accessible-pop stalwarts Train, in support of a “Led Zeppelin II” remake nobody asked for, have taken their tribute act on the road.

Granted, it wasn’t terrible, despite all the hand-wringing on social media once the project was announced. They didn’t ruin the album forever. John Bonham didn’t turn over in his grave. Jimmy Page wasn’t shrieking in agony at a nursing home somewhere.

“Not terrible,” however, is far from “good.”

At 47, singer Pat Monahan has had decades to hone his Robert Plant howl. And it’s a faithful replica — in particular, Train’s “Ramble On” was well executed, buoyed by Monahan’s gravelly chorus.

Drummer Drew Shoals, in the shadow of John Bonham, had big shoes to fill.
Drummer Drew Shoals, in the shadow of John Bonham, had big shoes to fill.

Monahan’s bandmates, too, have had plenty of time to practice their Zeppelin chops, and each does a serviceable job. Only listeners who particularly love “Led Zeppelin II,” or particularly hate Train, will find issue with the project.

The band, rightly, avoids attempts to put its own spin on “Led Zeppelin II.” Any effort to out-Zep the masters would be outrageous and futile. So Train rarely strays from note-for-note recitations of Zeppelin material. At times, though, this makes it feel more like a costume party than a performance.

Train’s live act, for instance, includes a number of Zeppelin-themed props: a Bonham-esque gong sits (completely unused) behind drummer Drew Shoals. An abridged “Stairway to Heaven” is played on a Page-style doubleneck Gibson SG. Monahan constantly mimics Plant’s stage mannerisms.

Guitarist Jerry Becker gets into it.
Guitarist Jerry Becker gets into it.

Hackneyed? For sure. Pretentious? Probably. But the band seemed to be enjoying themselves at Wednesday’s Irving Plaza show. And the crowd, a surprisingly turned-up batch of 40- and 50-somethings, was very much into it. Bald men banged air drums with striking enthusiasm, pot smoke billowed and half-drunk couples danced themselves exhausted.

But Train’s project completely lacks any sense of artistic thrust. Its rendition is passable, but the curious decision to cover Zep still raises more questions than Wednesday’s gig answered.

If you like “Led Zeppelin II,” why not just listen to “Led Zeppelin II?” Why is Train taking this upon itself? The band butters its bread on soft-rock radio. “Drops of Jupiter” and “Drive By” are war crimes against rock fans. What makes Train think they should be the ones to tackle Zep?


“Led Zeppelin is our favorite band,” Monahan explained on stage Wednesday night.

That’s it, more or less. That’s Train’s entire rationale behind the tour and album.

Can’t knock them for that, of course. This is America, and nothing’s more American than pumping out trite covers of Led Zeppelin songs. It’s pretty much a rite of passage. Guitar-wielding 14-year-olds do it daily.

Singer Pat Monahan belts his best Robert Plant impression.
Singer Pat Monahan belts his best Robert Plant impression.

Ultimately, though, Train’s latest project feels like an unnecessarily intense game of Guitar Hero. The band nails its parts well enough, and has a good time doing it. It may even be fun to watch, in short bursts.

What’s missing is risk — as well as elevation and artistry. What’s also missing is an answer to the question: “Why did they bother?”