The Nuremberg Hangings — Not So Smooth Either

NurembergFormer high-ranking Nazis sit on trial at Nuremberg. Ten of them would ultimately be hanged — and it wasn’t pretty. (Photo: the Jewish Museum)

Before we set aside the topic of Iraq’s botched hangings, which continue to cause a fair bit of consternation there, a reader reminds us to flash back to 1946, and the conclusion of the trials at Nuremberg, in which 11 high-ranking Nazi officers were ultimately condemned to death by hanging. One of them, Hermann Göring, managed to finish himself in his cell with a cyanide capsule just hours before the execution was to take place, but the others took their trip to the gallows.

Joachim von Ribbentrop, Hitler’s foreign minister, was the first to go. From an Oct. 28, 1946 dispatch in Time magazine headlined “Night Without Dawn” (the ellipses are in the original):

At 1:11 a.m. he entered the gymnasium, and all officers, official witnesses and correspondents rose to attention. Ribbentrop’s manacles were removed and he mounted the steps (there were 13) to the gallows. With the noose around his neck, he said: “My last wish … is an understanding between East and West. …” All present removed their hats. The executioner tightened the noose. A chaplain standing beside him prayed. The assistant executioner pulled the lever, the trap dropped open with a rumbling noise, and Ribbentrop’s hooded figure disappeared. The rope was suddenly taut, and swung back & forth, creaking audibly.

The executioner was U.S. Master Sergeant John C. Woods, 43, of San Antonio, a short, chunky man who in his 15 years as U.S. Army executioner has hanged 347 people. Said he afterwards: “I hanged those ten Nazis … and I am proud of it. … I wasn’t nervous. … A fellow can’t afford to have nerves in this business. … I want to put in a good word for those G.I.s who helped me … they all did swell. … I am trying to get [them] a promotion. … The way I look at this hanging job, somebody has to do it. I got into it kind of by accident, years ago in the States “

Ten more executions would follow that evening, but for all of Sergeant Woods’ experience (and for all of the collected wisdom the military had at its disposal on proper hanging techniques), the Nuremberg executions were, it seems, a ghoulishly untidy affair.

Donald E. Wilkes, Jr., a professor of law at the University of Georgia Law School, noted that many of the executed Nazis fell from the gallows with insufficient force to snap their necks, resulting in a macabre, suffocating death struggle that in some cases lasted many, many minutes:

The ten hangings, which officially brought the Nuremberg Trial proceedings to a close, continue to exert a morbid appeal. …

The executions, in a brightly lighted prison gymnasium where three looming black wooden gallows had been erected, were witnessed by a handful of Allied military officers and eight journalists, one of whom, Kingsbury Smith of International News Service, wrote a famous newspaper article, “The Execution of Nazi War Criminals, 16 October 1946,” based on his eyewitness observations.

Although Smith discreetly omitted mentioning it, the experienced Army hangman, Master Sgt. John C. Woods, botched the executions. A number of the hanged Nazis died, not quickly from a broken neck as intended, but agonizingly from slow strangulation. Ribbentrop and Sauckel each took 14 minutes to choke to death, while Keitel, whose death was the most painful, struggled for 24 minutes at the end of the rope before expiring.

Adds just a wee bit of context to President Bush’s increasingly strong chiding of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki for the mishandling of the executions of Saddam Hussein and his aides in recent days and weeks. As we pointed out in our post yesterday, there’s been a fair amount of science applied to the art of hanging, but it seems an easy thing to go awry. Mr. Bush said yesterday that the fledgling government in Iraq “has still got some maturation to do.”

On the other hand, Mr. Wilkes does add this note on the Nuremberg executions, taken from Robert E. Conot, who wrote the book “Justice at Nuremberg”:

“It was a grim, pitiless scene. But for those who had sat through the horrors and tortures of the trial, who had learned of men dangled from butcher hooks, of women mutilated and children jammed into gas chambers, of mankind subjected to degradation, destruction, and terror, the scene conjured a vision of stark, almost biblical justice.”

(Thanks for the tip, Allen!)

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Could it be mere coincidence that the extremely experienced executioner at Nuremberg was from Texas?

The death penalty is an abomination. Justice or no. It makes us the same as the killers. Another reason I am against it in the US especially is the fact that gangsters and cold blooded kilers rarely get the death penalty. Only some poor bastard who is a nut and has no control over his actions or a person who snaps is executed. Besides I would rather see them live with themselves in a prison for the rest of their lives.

Lede: Mr. Bush said yesterday that the fledgling government in Iraq “has still got some maturation to do.”

Translation: Duh. You guys actually think policy is meaningful? All that counts is winning the newscycle. These botched hanging threw my pr handlers into a tizzy and wrecked the good press Condi’s visit to the ME was to create.

Bush to Joshua Bolton: Send these clowns to Yale for a short course on 21st democratic government.

Many years ago in my travels around the world, I met a grizzled US Army colonel, in a bar of course, who said, after we had had much to drink, that he was there at some of the Nazi War Criminal hangings.

He said that sometimes it was deliberate that the drop was too short to break the neck, death by strangulation could take up to twenty minutes- “but then after having been there when the concentration camps were opened up, what did you expect”.

Not good, but understandable – the sort of memory that comes back in the mddle watches of the night to haunt those of us who have seen the worst that man can do to man.

Indeed, the Nuremburg hangings were not so smooth either, but we are talking about 1/2 a century ago. One would expect a little more dignity from the new Iraqi/US government. What is the difference between Saddam Hussein hanging his opponents and Nuri Kamal al-Maliki hanging his old enemies… The thought process is exacly the same… The only difference is that, so far, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki is on the good side of the US. So that make it O.K. The same way that Saddam Hussein cruelty was O.K. as long as he was serving the US interest…


rolando Hinojosa-Smith January 17, 2007 · 8:23 am

I was about to blog in re the Nuremberg botch-ups by Sgt. Woods when I came across your update. No, not a pretty sight.

It was most ironic, that those who passed judgement on the Nazi criminals were criminals themselves, and deserved to be hanged as well – the leaders of the Soviet Union were responsible for many more civilian deaths during the war than Hitler’s minions. Yet “our allies”, headed by Josef Stalin, walked away from the affair scot-free with the US and Great Britain’s blessings…

I agree with Mr. Forbes’ last sentence. Death releases them from the daily suffering they must experience by not having their freedom and the reminder of why they are there, never to be free again.

Why release them from their suffering? Closure for those who knew the victim doesn’t happen as a result of the accused death. Only forgivness does. Ask the Amish. They know.

The gruesome news reports about the recent hangings in Iraq together with this historical piece elucidating the details of the Nuremberg hangings should make anyone who questions the necessity of the death penalty, such as me, conclude that this is clearly a violation of the most basic human rights principles. I think that it is a sad irony that in both Nuremberg and Iraq today our government has participated in a process whereby human rights abusers were penalized through similarly heinous acts. It is no wonder that the rest of the world sees our government as hypocritical.

what about when american solders rape a child,kill the child and all the family? what about jews who control all of america?

How typical of George Bush to “wash his hands of this business.” He is our Pontius Pilate. Perhaps they’ll make a movie some day. I understand Mel Gibson is available. Of course in the movie, it will all be the Iraqi’s doing. Do we ever learn?

I do not know where you are from bethesdaboy, but what ever state or country it is, I am completely confident that it also has a sordid history.

For those that truly caused others to suffer, no problem if they also suffer. They were not clinical in the suffering they caused, so they or anybody else should not complain!

Just as moral relativism is necessary in an imperfect world, so must there be certain moral absolutes. Taking a human life is a wrong, and can never be justified. It serves to lower the overall moral standing of an entire society. The hangings in Iraq were simply cold, macabre, and unfortunatey fitting with everything that has been done there in the name of “freedom”.

It is and has been told to us a 1000’s times and we still do not listen.

For years being hung has been a matter of us denying this simple fact “size matters”. Now we know.

When we say “it makes us just the same as the killers”, I think to myself, well, there you have it… the so called human condition. Like or not, we ARE pretty much the same. That is the horror of Nazi Germany, and the horror of war in general. When viewing tortured, mangled bodies, it is difficult to tell whether it was done by the ‘good guys’ or the ‘bad guys’. Surely the victims don’t know the difference.

The lack of mercy for Sadam and his men mirrors their own. What’s the alternative?

These hangings and Saddam’s could have been so easily avoided…THEY simply needed to refrain from making the CHOICES they made.

Though Sgt. Woods should have been more careful in his work and onlookers shouldn’t have mocked Saddam at his moment of death; and though we may not agree with Bush’s failed policy in Iraq, let’s not pass the blame…NO ONE made Saddam, Hitler and his followers, or gangs here in the U.S. perform the atrocities that they have.

Whether execution is the answer or not is irrelevant as we all know the answer to whether or not they should have committed the brutual murders they performed/ordered in the first place…NO! These guys did the unthinkable and they paid the price that society determined for them.

If Keitel wasn’t fond of the possibility of strangling to death after 24 mins at the end of a rope…he simply could’ve refrained from slaughtering innocent people, from giving society any reason to put a rope around his neck. In the end, it’s the criminal’s fault…they are the appropriate persons to blame for botched hangings.

They all got exactly what they deserved.

Mr. Forbes,

Enlighten us…

Share your wisdom…

Tell us the appropriate punishment for some nutcase that has murdered several people, and can never again be trusted with contact with other human beings? Should we continue to risk the lives of Guards that have families to provide for?

Should we make them a burden on the lives of innocent people to feed, clothe, shelter, entertain, and provide medical care, when some of these people can barely provide these things for themselves?

I’ve seen people die. It’s never pretty. It’s never nice. But sometimes it is nessecary, and by failing to do what is nessecary, even by proxy, you are a fool and a coward.

Now that we have tackled some of the more onerous war criminals in Iraq, don’t you think it is time to take on some of the American war criminals who are behind this ugly, destructive war? America’s true zeal for justice would be best demonstrated if we were to bring to trial Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield, Rice, Wolfowitz, Feith, Kagan and others for the crime of starting this war. As evil as Hussein was, these American leaders have brought us down to his same level by virtue of the murderous war we have unleashed and the destruction of human life that has and continues to result from this crime. Their lies are transparent for all to see. As an opponent of capital punishment, I would offer as punishment that each of them work in veterans’ hospitals the rest of their lives as nurse’s aids, caring for the men and women’s lives who have been maimed by their arrogance and resulting war. But all of this fantasy would assume American politicians could be honest with themselves and take courageous actions against their own who have committed these crimes. That, as we all know, will not happen; unless of course any of them chooses to have some illicit sexual dalliance. That seems to be the extent of America’s capacity for moral outrage.

Does anyone think the street execution of Caucesceau was any more tidy? Or, any number of vigilante executions of Viet Cong officials? OK, Hussein was a military man, and if justice had truly been served he’d probably have been dragged out of one of his palaces by an angry mob and strung up from the nearest statue of himself… maybe ten years from now. The only problem I have with his execution is that it was preceded by a trial in a US-created kangaroo court. I’m sure most Iraqis feel the same way.

The Iraqi puppet government is not responsible for hanging the ex-Iraqi government officials; it is the American Government that has MURDERED these people after unprovoked attack and occupation of that country. Justice might be slow in comming, but one day it will reach the BUSHES at their neocon fellowship.

Bin Forgotten Saudi Hero January 17, 2007 · 9:23 am

The “righteous hanging of a killer” always inspires lesser fools who then go out and commit similar atrocities for whatever they think is justice too.

“And another eye for another eye ’til everybody’s blind”

If these guys are human, I wish I wasn’t.

I really don’t think we have learned very much at all.