CHEATHAM COUNTY, Tenn. (WKRN) – A man was given a $14 million bond by a Cheatham County judge on Thursday after he allegedly continued to try the judge’s patience.

Charles Nichols was standing before Judge Phillip Maxie on sex charges involving a minor when it all went down.


Sources said the judge gave the 33-year-old a $50,000 bond, but Nichols stood up and told the judge to go “f*** himself” before flipping him and everyone in the courtroom the bird.

Judge Maxie reportedly told him to sit down or he’d raise his bond, to which Nichols allegedly said he didn’t care, daring the judge to give him a $1 million bond – so he did.

Sources say Nichols then challenged the bench again, daring the judge to raise his bond to $10 million, so he did.

This little game went on until the man’s bond was raised and set at $14 million.

Nichols is also accused in the death of his girlfriend, Alicia Hanvy, who died in March after being run over by a car in her own driveway.