US News

Fetish company donates entire stock of cosplay scrubs to UK hospital

A kinky cosplay company has donated its entire range of fetish medical scrubs to a UK hospital — saying staff were “desperate” because of a shortage while fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

“Today we donated our entire stock of disposable scrubs to an NHS hospital,” tweeted MedFetUK, which bills itself as “the only online store 100% dedicated to Medical Fetish, Kink and Roleplay” selling “genuine medical grade items.”

“It was just a few sets, because we don’t carry large stocks, but they were desperate, so we sent them free of charge,” the cosplay firm said in its series of tweets Friday now seen more than 3 million times.

Saying the firm doesn’t “usually do politics on Twitter,” it lambasted the apparent shortage of emergency supplies during the crisis needed by staff in the UK’s National Health Service (NHS).

“When you see someone from the government saying the NHS is getting what it needs, that is a LIE,” MedFetUK insisted. “We have been contacted this week by representatives of NHS procurement all over the country, trying to source basic protective equipment and clothing.

“When we, a tiny company set up to serve a small section of the kink community, find ourselves being sought out as a last-resort supplier to our National Health Service in a time of crisis, something is seriously wrong. In fact, it’s scandalous.”

The fetish firm blamed “a decade of chronic underfunding and cuts” for leaving the free health service unable to cope with “the onslaught of a global pandemic.”

“So when it’s all over … let’s not forget, or forgive, the ones who sent the NHS into this battle with inadequate armor and one hand tied behind its back,” the company said.

Its message sparked plenty of applause, as well as shock.

“I never thought the heroes we’d need in these straitened times would be from the sex industry, but here we are,” wrote @ali1m, while Søren Markvard Riis said he “never thought a fetish shop would be propping up the NHS.”

“It’s sad that you have to do it – and brilliant that you step up. This vanilla guy has some serious fetish respect!” he tweeted.

MedFetUK later insisted its donation was not “fake news.” ” Honestly, we wish it wasn’t true, but it is,” the firm tweeted Saturday.