US News

CIA once secretly implanted mind-control devices in dogs’ brains

The CIA created remote-controlled dogs by operating on their brains during a bizarre mind-control experiment, according to freshly declassified documents.

During the top-secret 1963 project, researchers implanted a device inside six canines’ skulls and guided them through an open field, according to documents posted on The Black Vault, a website specializing in declassified government records.

The pooches could be made to run, turn and stop as scientists zapped the reward center of their brains with electrical currents, according to the CIA papers, which were published in 1965.

“The specific aim of the research program was to examine the feasibility of controlling the behavior of a dog, in an open field, by means of remotely stimulated electrical stimulation of the brain,” the documents state.

“Such a system depends for its effectiveness on two properties of electrical stimulation delivered to certain deep lying structures of the dog brain: the well-known reward effect, and a tendency for such stimulation to initiate and maintain locomotion in a direction which is accompanied by the continued delivery of stimulation.”

Some of the dogs suffered side effects, including infections caused by a head wound that failed to properly heal, according to the papers.

Eventually, the CIA tried a method in which they “embedded the electrode entirely within a mound of dental cement on the skull,” the document states.

The experiment was part of the notorious MKUltra project, in which the CIA fed humans psychotropic drugs and shocked them to learn about mind control.