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TIL that during Prohibition, many wineries would sell shipments of grape juice with instructions for home fermenting (which was perfectly legal). Here are some instructions from Lonz Winery in the Lake Erie region of Ohio.

6En6Y We’ve been conditioned to think of Covid-19 as a respiratory disease—but it’s not just about the lungs. Evidence is emerging that the coronavirus can cause heart damage in people who’ve had mild symptoms or none at all, especially if those people exercise while they’re infected. If you've just had Covid—even if you didn't have symptoms—you need to be aware of myocarditis. That’s cardiologist-speak for what happens when the muscular walls of the heart become inflamed, weakening the organ and making it more difficult for it to pump blood. It’s not a newly discovered condition, and it turns up pretty rarely, but when it does, it’s most often triggered by an infection. Strenuous activity while the heart is weakened can cause swelling in the legs, dizziness, shortness of breath, and—in serious cases—irregular heartbeat, cardiac arrest, and sudden death.
6EnZY TIL that the singer, Sia, adopted two 18 year olds who were about to age out of the foster care system.
KOK4J TIL Jon Cryer hasn't spoke to Charlie Sheen in years but is still friends with Ashton Kutcher
N7oEE Like clockwork, every 26 seconds, seismometers across multiple continents have detected a mysterious pulse since at least the early 1960s, and no one knows why.
jygR TIL: There is a legend in Japan that says Jesus fled across Siberia to Shingō Village, where he lived to 106 years of age.