EgGYV TIL that most hotel rooms in the USA do not have ceiling lights. This is done mostly for cost reasons. Money is saved by not having to run wire to a ceiling box, drywall around it and then install the overhead light itself.
Y7egv TIL that ABBA is a Swedish pop band with male and female members, and not a Swedish female pop singer.
Bg0MK TIL the Nigerian government banned the Communist Party of Nigeria in 1966
rNyWy TIL that fish are not silent underwater. They actually make a large variety of sounds, from clicking to squeals, with some even chirping like birds. These noises are used to communicate many different things, like warning off other fish or announcing the presence of a predator.
NXxGQ TIL of the Bengal Water Machine, a water capture mechanism resulting from the pumping of shallow subsurface water by millions of individual small landholders.
l70X5 TIL: America’s Nuclear Sponge. Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska and Colorado contain the nuclear silos that would be a primary target of WW3.
8e1pX TIL about the Sovereign Military Order of Malta - a Catholic religous order that, despite not controlling any territory, is considered sovereign under international law and issues their own passports.
P1nLO TIL a Chinese destroyer sank because an officer dumped his girlfriend. She committed suicide, leading to him being discharged, so he decided to detonate the depth charges on the ship, causing it to sink at port and kill 134 sailors.
epyV4 TIL that "Killing baby Hitler" is an ethical and theoretical physics experiment. It explores the idea of time-traveling to assassinate infant Adolf Hitler, delving into ethical consequences and temporal paradoxes.
VBOop TIL The United States once had a 36-year-old vice president back in 1857. John C. Breckinridge is still the only person under 40 to serve as president or vice president.
X0Vor TIL that during Prohibition, many wineries would sell shipments of grape juice with instructions for home fermenting (which was perfectly legal). Here are some instructions from Lonz Winery in the Lake Erie region of Ohio.
woyk8 TIL Shogun Tokugawa leyasu decreed William Adams(first western samurai) was dead and that Miura Anjin, a samurai, was born. This action "freed" Adams to serve the Shogunate permanently, making Adams' wife in England a widow. Adams managed to send regular support payments to her after 1613.